041 363 3636

Fax : 041 363 3638

284 Cape Road, Newton Park

Port Elizabeth


Colour Control is an application for color multifunction systems, allowing companies to regulate access to color features and to control the cost of color documents. After installing the application, the multi-function system reports with an additional display. In the event that the customer wishes to use a color function, he is prompted for a cost center.

The administration of the cost centers can then be determined exactly if and how much the customer may use the color features. If customers want to use only b / w functions, the entry of a cost center is dispensed with, since the b / w functionality is enabled for everyone. In this way, access and cost of color functions can be very simple and easy to control.

Benefit to customer:

  • Access and cost control of color features
  • Simple management in the integrated account function
  • Color systems are for authorized color function users only
  • Easy operation without inputting a PIN when using b/w printing